arthroscopic, reconstructive & arthroplasty surgery

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Common, Painful & Progressive

The carpal tunnel is a tunnel at the wrist joint. The road and walls are made of your wrist bones and the roof is made of a ligament, called the transverse carpal ligament. In this small tunnel nine tendons and the Median nerve travel. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common, painful, progressive condition that is caused by compression of the median nerve at the wrist area.

If left untreated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can lead to permanent nerve damage to your hand


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Symptoms, Causes & Treatment



Common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling sensation in all the fingers except the little finger. A pain and burning sensation in hand may radiate up the arm and elbow. In severe cases there may be weakness in the hand with diminished grip strength. If left untreated it can lead to permanent nerve damage to your hand.


Exact causes of the condition are not known, however certain factors increase the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. These include congenital abnormalities, repetitive motion of hand and wrist, fractures and sprains, hormonal imbalance, and other medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, obesity, gout, overactive pituitary gland, or the presence of a cyst or tumour in the canal. 



Carpal tunnel syndrome may be treated using conservative approaches or surgery. The conservative treatments include:

Treating underlying medical conditions

Immobilization of the hand and wrist with a splint or wrist brace for 4-6 weeks

  • Rest the hand for 2 weeks or more

  • Ice packs to avoid swelling

  • Avoid activities that tend to worsen the symptoms

  • Medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections

  • Strengthening and stretching exercises once symptoms diminish

If conservative treatment options fail to resolve the condition your surgeon may recommend surgical procedure. This is performed as an Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel release or an Open Carpal Tunnel release.


Open Carpal tunnel release

This is a small day procedure. It can be performed under local or general anaesthetic. A small 2cm incision is made in the palm. Through which the “roof” of the carpal tunnel, the transverse carpal ligament, is incised and released. This relieves the pressure on the Median Nerve. An opportunity is often used to inspect the carpal tunnel and the nerve for other causes of compression.

Immediately post operatively you have functional use of your hand. At two weeks once the wound as healed, you will have full use of your hand.


Endoscopic Carpal tunnel release

This is a keyhole method to perform a Carpal tunnel release. It involves a small incision approximately 1 cm long. Like the open procedure the “roof” or the transverse carpal ligament is incised and the carpal tunnel is decompressed. It is a day procedure performed under local or general anaesthetic.

The advantage of performing the release endoscopically is a smaller incision, arguably less pain and an expediated return to full use of the hand. This is ideal especially for bilateral carpal tunnel releases.


Looking for expert relief from your numbness, tingling & pain? Get in touch.